Engineering Classification Abu Dhabi

Engineering Classification Abu Dhabi

Companies licensed to carry out engineering or contractual activities in Abu Dhabi must be classified by contracting companies in Abu Dhabi and consultants and register engineers in the Department of Municipal Affairs in Abu Dhabi. This office will conduct a detailed review, among other things, of the company's experience in the project, technical qualifications, assets and capital value, the accounting team, and the quality, health, and safety team as part of the application process. For many companies, especially companies bidding for high-value contracts, the requirements may be too heavy. PRO GCC will assist you as a professional contracting company to register engineers in Abu Dhabi. The engineering classification is not routine or automatic approval. Nor is it just bureaucracy and additional papers. The category requires an objective review by a panel of PRO GCC experts on the company's capabilities. Qualifications and the company that does not meet the specified criteria will not be classified.

How difficult is it to meet needs? - Engineering Classification Abu Dhabi

The requirements are cumbersome and vary, and detailed examination outside the scope. For example, local engineering consultancies seeking to be classified in the particular category (which is the highest category of engineers and allow the company to execute contracts worth more than AED 70 million) must meet the following criteria:

  • The value of the capital and assets owned by the company shall not be less than AED 3 million.
  • The company must hire five specialized engineers registered with at least one engineer with at least 15 years of experience, two engineers with at least 12 years of experience, and at least ten years of experience each. This applies to each particular class of engineering type required by the company to do, i.e., for civil engineering, and there will be a need to hire five civil engineers who meet the minimum previous experience; for mechanical engineering, five mechanical engineers who meet the minimum previous experience will be required; and so forth.
  • The cumulative value of previously implemented projects must not be less than AED 480 million, provided that each submitted project is not less than AED 60 million.
  • The company must carry iso 9001 certificates.

Problems and Solutions

While contracting companies have been able to issue and renew commercial licenses, there is a big problem. Until contracting companies are classified, their commercial license will include contracting activities for which they wish to obtain a permit. Still, it will warn that contracting companies may not engage in such activities until they are classified. Once classified, the office will ask the licensing authority to remove the warning. Contracting companies in Abu Dhabi.

Classification of engineering Requirements

Applicable regulations setting classification requirements are not new. Still, implementation on the classification of engineering consulting offices in Abu Dhabi and subsequent implementation instructions specified classification requirements for an engineering consultancy. Thus, the contractor's in Abu Dhabi and its following executive instructions set out the engineering consultancy classification requirements.

Conclusion for Engineering Classification Abu Dhabi

All companies engaged in engineering or contracting activities should immediately explore whether the activities currently licensed on the company's commercial license require classification. The same applies to people planning to create new companies operating in these sectors.